Elite corporate powerpoint template is one of the popular business templates available on our site. The minimalist template has received tremendous interest and appreciation from business presentation makers. Therefore our design team is continuously updating the slides adding modern designs and making creative improvements in existing template slides.

The latest update to this corporate ppt presentation template is an additional cover design. Now you have the option to use the original more corporate style cover slide or the new image collage looking slide cover.
If you want to showcase the different types of business services of your company right on your presentation’s cover slide, the new design is excellent. Another use case is if you want to display images of your past projects, client examples or CSR work. You can insert about 8 images on the new cover page. Just drag and drop your photos and everything will fit in the preset template shapes.
The new design also available in four different color themes and both widescreen and standard size slide formats.
Click here to view more details and download Elite corporate powerpoint template.
Beautiful slides. Can we change the slide colors to match our corporate color palette?
Hi Jina, Yes, it is pretty easy to change the template color theme. Everything is based on master slides. However, if you need expert help, feel free to contact our support team via supportATslidehelper.com. Our designers will create a custom color theme for you for free. Good luck!