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How to Remove Hyperlink Underline In PowerPoint 2007, 2010, and 2013

Hyperlinks in PowerPoint are underlined by default. Underlined text is a visual signal denoting there is a link behind it and is a best practice from the user experience point of view. However, in some presentation design projects, you might need to remove the underline from hyperlink text.

Unfortunately, there is no direct option to remove the hyperlink underline in PowerPoint. But there is a workaround if you really need to hide underline from hyperlink text.

The trick is creating a hyperlinked transparent rectangle and placing it in front of your text.

Here’s the step-by-step process.

1. Open your slide. Right-click on underlined hyperlink text, and select ‘remove hyperlink’.

2. Go to ‘insert’ tab and select ‘rectangle’ from the ‘shapes’ group

3. Draw a rectangle over your text.

4. Right-click on the rectangle and click ‘hyperlink’. Then Set up your hyperlink (same as creating a text hyperlink).  When a user clicks on the rectangle they will be directed to your link.

5. The next step is making the rectangle transparent. Right-click the rectangle and select ‘Format shape’. From format shape dialogue box, set fill color transparent value to 100%.


6. Next choose ‘No line’ for the line color option. Now the rectangle must be invisible.


7. Finally, move the hyperlinked rectangle over the text layer which you need your users to click as a hyperlink. You may re-size the rectangle appropriately so that it completely covers the underneath text.

Congratulations! now you have a hyperlinked text without an underline.

This is a simple workaround to remove the underline from hyperlinks in PowerPoint slides. Let us know in the comment box if you would use it for your slides.

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Happy presentations!


  1. Thanks for your valuable information

  2. Confusing….why remove the hyperlink?

    1. Never mind, I understand. Good info!

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